Pekanbaru, Riau, Oct 18 ( - Riau has the largest share of budget set by the government for the replanting of smallholders' oil palm plantations in the country, the provincial office of the Food Crop and Horticulture and Plantation service said.
Head of the Food Crop and Horticulture and Plantation service Vera Virgianti said the government began the program in 2017.
This year, the budget for replanting smallholders plantations is more than Rp4 trillion from the Collecting Body of Fund of Oil Palm Plantations (BPDPKS) .
Riau is to have the largest portion of the program among 20 provinces to receive a share of the replanting budget, Vera said.
The replanting target in 2018 is 25,423 hectares of smallholders plantations with a budget of Rp25 million per hectare to be provided by the government.
However, based on data from BPDPKS, replanting in Riau has reached only 3,739 hectares in the district of Rokan Hulu, Rokan Hilir, Kampar, Pelalawan and Siak.
Riau is the country's largest producer of palm oil, which is the country's largest export earner outside oil and gas sector.
Indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil mainly in the form of crude palm oil (CPO).