Pekanbaru, Riau, June 1 ( - The Centre for Natural Resources Conservation (BBKSDA) of Riau confirmed that it had found signs of a Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in the palm oil plantation of PT Seko Indah, Pasir Penyu Sub-district, Indragiri Hulu District.
The Head of Region I BBKSDA of Riau, Mulyo Hutomo, said here on Friday that from the paw prints, "I'm sure that it is an adult tiger".
Hutomo said the hunt for the big cat began after a number of villagers and plantation employees said they saw a tiger roaming the area. "We received the report on Tuesday and set out to track it the next day along with the Indonesian Military (TNI) and Police," he said. Their search revealed signs that an adult Sumatran tiger was in the vicinity.
Hutomo could not confirm where the tiger come from, but there were several habitats in the area, including the Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park (TNBT).
In April this year, a four-year-old Sumatran tigress named Bonita had been tranquillised and captured after a 100-day operation in the same district after it had killed two people.