Dumai, 4 / 3 (ANTARA) - Some Dumai City, Riau Province submerged or tidal flooding, known as rivet tide. Hundreds of residents houses are located not far from the mouth of the river Dumai submerged with the water level reaches the adult knee.Between monitoring, Wednesday, the worst floods to hit some areas of two districts in the city of Dumai district includes West and East Dumai which consists of 20 wards. Visible activity at night people preoccupied with closing the base room house from the porch to the yard in a way to restrict the stone and wood to keep the water enters the house and yard.According Sunaryo (48), resident of Bukit Timah, District of West Dumai, who found his work was interrupted in anticipation of water into his house reveals, floods caused by tidal rivet is often plagued the region once every three months. But what surprised him, but the arrival of the arriving - arrived, this time pairs rivet also more violent than usual because the water level reaches the adult knee."The floods due to pairs of ordinary forth already occurred here (Bukit Timah Village-ed). But it usually happens once every three months and was not this bad," said Sunaryo while hoping that the government provides the action and long-term solution to avoid flooding the already mentradisi regions.Unlike the Sunaryo, Edy (34), residents of District Bukit Raja consider floods were common, and a tradition of natural seabed."What could be done if it had been floods there all the time. Yes, while you can do, we will do to the interests of each citizen should expect the same without the government," he said.Based on a successful source of summarized night, flooding rivet sent via Dumai River estuary is facing ordinary citizens around the mouth of almost every two weeks. While flooding is more powerful rivet and inundate the land to submerge almost the entire edge region Dumai City occurred once every quarter."But usually flood rivet only come at night and by midnight until dawn floods have started to shrink and no longer worried about," said Adit (40), an inhabitant of another Dumai.***