Bengkalis, Riau ( - The district head of Bengkalis, Amril Mukminin, has appealed to people in Mandau and Pinggir sub-districts to wear masks when leaving home due to the impact of forest and land fires in the region.
He also urged people, "especially those with babies or young children", to reduce their outdoor activities in view of the impact of the fires.
Dust from the fires could cause eye irritation or breathing problems, he warned.
Around 60 hectares of plantations belonging to villagers in Duri Timur outer ring road in the village of Tasik Serai have been burned.
In the past two weeks, workers including 60 police personnel from Riau province s regional command, 25 police officers from Pinggir sub-district police sector, 10 military members, 10 workers from fire department and 100 villagers as well as public order enforcers, have been trying to put out the fires that broke out in the depth of peat land.