Dumai, Riau, April 27 (ANTARA) - A total of 52 police personnel were deployed to secure the opening of Dumai Expo 2011 which was held as part of anniversary celebrations of Dumai City, Riau province, police said.
Spokesman of the Dumai Police Resort Commissioner Robin said here on Wednesday that the 52 police were placed in a number of points considered prone to crimes, including the gates to the expo, parking lots and exhibition stands.
"No special focus for the security maintenance of the Dumai Expo 2011 because prone areas are not defined to a special place," he said.
He expressed hope that the expo would proceed without any security disturbance or other significant barriers.
Salman Alfarisy, director of PT Mahudun Saricipta which the event organizer of the Dumai Expo 2011 said that his side had prepared 150 stands which would be used by various sides from the government agencies, private sector and small enterprises (UKM).