Police Raid Ecstasy Home Industry in Riau

id police raid, ecstasy home, industry in riau

Pekanbaru, 31/7 (ANTARA) - The Police seized 2.700 ecstasy pils and 5 kilos of drug raw materials in a raid on ecstasy home industry in Pekanbaru, Riau Province on Saturday (31/7).

"This ecstasy home industry can produce aproximately 3.000 pils a day and make income until Rp 1 billion," said Head of Riau Police Brigadier General Suaedi Hussin.

Police found all the evidances in a room on the second floor of the luxurious house that own by Halim Putra, he said. The police detained the owner as a suspect.

Police also seized manual machine to make ecstasy pil and a packet of marijuana in the location.

The suspect allegedly a part of the drugs cartel in Sumatera and disribute ecstasy in Riau until North Sumatera Province.

"He hide the pills inside computer speaker box to distribute it to the buyer," said Suaedi.