April's Pulp Exports Reach 21 Million Tons

id aprils pulp, exports reach, 21 million tons

Pekanbaru, Riau, Aug 18 (ANTARA) - Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd. (APRIL) marked the shipment of the 21-millionth ton of pulp routinely exported to 60 countries at a ceremony attended by Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu here on Wednesday.

At the ceremony held also on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the company's operations, Minister Mari Elka Pangestu sent off the container truck that would carry the shipment at PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) in Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan, Riau.

Mari said RAPP as one of APRIL's subsidiaries had the biggest pulp and paper plant which was integrated with the local people's residential areas.

She said pulp and paper as well as crude palm oil from Riau are among Indonesia's 10 prime export commodities that also determine Indonesia's trade performance index.

In view of that she hoped RAPP as part of APRIL could continue to improve its export performance with investment priority based upon the company's vision of planet, people and profit.

"Once again I congratulate APRIL for the 21 million tons of exports it has achieved with a hope it could continue exporting Indonesian paper to the whole world and bring a positive impact on the country's economy," she said.

RAPP president director Kusnan Rahim meanwhile said in his speech that the company has implemented a sustainable business pattern with regard to production and balanced the socio-economic aspect with conservation of bio-diversity and ecology.

Fifteen years ago, the present site of the company and RAPP plant now reaching 1,750 hectares was a village named Kerinci which was mostly planted with oil palm trees.

The village has now changed into a district and RAPP is now capable of producing pulp at a capacity of 2.3 million tons a year and paper at 750,000 tons a year and exporting them to 60 countries.

"We are employing more than 60,000 workers and everyday we plant no less than 500,000 saplings and we remain committed to improving the social welfare of the people in our operations areas," he said.