Pekanbaru, Riau, Feb 12 (Antaranews Riau) - The Terra and Aqua satellites detected 11 hotspots along the coastal area of Riau Province on Tuesday morning.
Nine of the 11 hotspots strongly indicated forest and plantation fires, Bibin, an analyst of the Pekanbaru meteorology, climatology, and geophysics office, stated.
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Of the 11 hotspots, seven were found in Bengkalis and two each in Meranti and Pelalawan. In Bengkalis, the hotspots were found on Rupat Island.
Since January 2019, a total area, mostly peatland and measuring 267.5 hectares, were gutted by fires in six districts of Riau Province.
The six districts included Bengkalis, with 131 hectares ravaged by fires, Rokan Hilir, 87 hectares; Dumai, 17.1 hectares; and Meranti Island, two hectares.
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Baca juga: BMKG Deteksi 11 titik panas di pesisir Riau
Nine of the 11 hotspots strongly indicated forest and plantation fires, Bibin, an analyst of the Pekanbaru meteorology, climatology, and geophysics office, stated.
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Of the 11 hotspots, seven were found in Bengkalis and two each in Meranti and Pelalawan. In Bengkalis, the hotspots were found on Rupat Island.
Since January 2019, a total area, mostly peatland and measuring 267.5 hectares, were gutted by fires in six districts of Riau Province.
The six districts included Bengkalis, with 131 hectares ravaged by fires, Rokan Hilir, 87 hectares; Dumai, 17.1 hectares; and Meranti Island, two hectares.
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